Seed Naturopathics

empowering others on their journey to vitality

Salicylates in Fruit

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After my talk with the Montessori teachers earlier in the week, it was really evident that many of the kids are having suspected reactions to the fruit they are regularly consuming.

I’ve put this handout together as a check list for anyone who suspects they are, or have a child who is sensitive to salicylates.

There are obviously many other foods high in salicylates, however I wanted to keep the list nice and easy to follow and specific to fruit, as this is such a common food for kids to consume.

Feel free to download and keep on hand…

Salicylates in fruit

Megan Georgoulas

Author: seednaturopathics

Naturopathy is about empowering others to take responsibility for their own health & motivating them in their journey to vitality

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